Whatsapp Message templates are used to initiate conversations with customers. Unlike other types of messages, message templates are the only type of message that can be sent to customers who have yet to initiate a conversation with you, or who have not sent you a message in an existing conversation thread within the last 24 hours.

Message templates must be approved before you can send them to customers. In addition, templates may be disabled automatically based on customer feedback. Once disabled, a message template cannot be sent to customers again until its quality rating has improved or it no longer violates Facebook business or commerce policies.

Enter the templates page from the WhatsappQuickstart section (pay attention you’re editing the templates for the right Account ID in the top right drop-down).

Add params in header and body section, should match the number or params of the template, otherwise you’ll get a WhatsAPI error: (#132000) Number of parameters does not match the expected number of params.

You can use string interpolation in any input box, using chat context variables or payload variables (i.e., {{myContextVariable}}, {{payload.aVariableInPayload}} or {{msg.anotherVariableInInputMessage}}.

In order to use a Whatsapp template in a upstream Function node

return {
  payload: {
    template: 'hello_world',
    language: 'en_US',
    paramsBody: [
        type: 'text',
        text: 'Some text'

Available parameters for the msg.payload

Name Type Description
template string A template name (from the Whatsapp template manager)
language string The template language (i.e., en or en_US)
paramsBody [waTemplateParameter] Template parameters for the body
paramsHeader [waTemplateParameter] Template parameters for the header

The [waTemplateParameter] object

Name Type Description
type string Type of parameter, one of: text, video, date_time, image, document, currency
video string Filepath or url of a video. Required for video type
image string Filepath or url of an image. Required for image type
document string Filepath or url of a document. Required for document type
date_time [waFallbackDateTime] Date time object. Required for date_time type
currency [waCurrency] Currency object. Required for currency type

The [waFallbackDateTime] object

Name Type Description
fallback_value string Always use the fallback value, and Whatsapp API do not attempt to localize using other optional fields.

The [waCurrency] object

Name Type Description
amount_1000 string Amount multiplied by 1000
code string Currency code as defined in ISO 4217
fallback_value string Default text if localization fails.

<aside> 💡 Read Whatsapp Cloud API Templates section for more informations
