This is a tutorial on how to use the [[Universal Connector node|Universal-Connector-node]] to support the Dialog chat platform.

We’ll use the Dialog Bot SDK: open a terminal window in the Node-RED home dir (generally $HOME/.node-red) and install it with

npm install @dlghq/[email protected]

Install the 2.0.2 version, newer version is not compatible with the code below. Edit the settings.js to make the library available in Node-RED in the global context

{  // ...  functionGlobalContext: {    // ...    environment: 'development',    DialogBot: require('@dlghq/dialog-bot-sdk')  }}

Node-RED must be restarted now.

Download the Dialog client and use the Dialog Bot to create a new chatbot

/bot new mybotnickname mybotname

Support table

and grab the access token. Next add a Universal Connector node and store the token in the configuration

Support table

Then add an [[Extend Node|Extend-node]], this is where the magic happens. The strategy is to make the Dialog Bot up and running in Node-RED and discovery what payload is sent for each message and then implement all necessary middlewares to in the Extend node.

Add an Extend node and select Universal Connector from the drop down:

const DialogBotSDK = node.context().global.get('DialogBot'); {  var chatServer = this;  var options = chatServer.getOptions();  options.connector = new DialogBotSDK.Bot(options.token);  options.connector.onMessage(function(peer, message) {    chatServer.receive(message);  });  return true;});

The onStart is executed once at the startup and it’s the right place to initialize the Dialog Bot library using the access token stored in the connector’s configuration (this.getOptions()). When a message is received by the .onMessage()_ callback is injected in the middlewares chain with the method chatServer.receive(), if you’re unsure about what a middleware chain is, check [[here|Extend-node]].

Just send a test message from the Dialog client and inspect the received payload, it should look like this

  rid: '46016707201745159',
  mid: '4f4176c0-cbf0-11e8-db0a-f43a15df867f',
  sortKey: '1539109361708',
  sender: {
    peer: { type: 'user', id: 246093853, key: 'u246093853' },
    type: 'user',
    title: 'Guido Bellomo',
    userName: null,
    avatar: null,
    bigAvatar: null,
    placeholder: 'yellow'
  isOut: false,
  date: '20:22',
  fullDate: 2018-10-09T18:22:41.708Z,
  state: 'unknown',
  isOnServer: true,
  content: {
    type: 'text',
    text: 'test message',
    media: [],
    extensions: []
  attachment: null,
  reactions: [],
  sortDate: 1539109361.708,
  isEdited: false

In order to make the Universal connector to work we have to extract the chatId from the payload, in the payload above a good candidate is the peer key in the sender hash