All platforms

Duplicated messages after deploying some changes (all platforms)

When deploying always select “Full deploy”.

Function .chat() is not defined

The method .chat() is only available in Node-RED messages coming from a Receiver node (Telegram, Slack, etc) or a Conversation node . A very common mistake is, for example, trying to manipulate the chat context in a Function node before the Conversation node .

I get a req.body is undefined in system console

Check if the Express instance running Node-RED has the body parser middleware.

Is it possible to sort/separate messages by user language?

Yes, most of the platform automatically set a chat context variable language, then you can use the Rules node to route the message based on the value of the context variable

Can I run RedBot in HomeAssistant?

Yes, but it’s better if you don’t. See HomeAssistant

Whatsapp Cloud API

Keep receiving old messages from webhook

Don’t use the same Facebook Test number (i.e., +1 555 12345) with more than one Facebook Application, apparently if a webhook is not answering with the “OK 200” message, then the payload is sent over and over to all webhooks.


I got “Darn – that didn’t work. Only Slack Apps can add interactive elements to messages.” with Slack

Some nodes (like dialogs and inline buttons) requires a Slack app to work properly, be sure to follow Slack Receiver node to create the Slack bot.


Using Debug node or console.log in Discord breaks everything

DiscordJS api is object oriented, everything is a class, when the code receives a message it gets a class and in order to answer to the message must be used a method of this class. So this message class has to be carried around inside the node-red messsages (the first node receives and store in the node-red message, the last node sends the reply). Problem is that doing a console.log of this class breaks, it’s not serializable into string, most likely there are some circular references in this object and it breaks.