Inline mode allows the user to query a chatbot from a different chat, it’s a powerful tool to make your chatbot go viral, read more here.

Every query invoked with a line like @mychatbot how are you? are routed through the Telegram Receiver node as a message of type inline-query, it will look like

  originalMessage: {
    // ...
  payload: {
    content: 'how are you?',
    type: 'inline_query',
    // ...

and can be sent to any other parser nodes like other messages.

At some point of the flow it might be useful to route the incoming message on a different path based on the type, for example in order to handle the inline query differently, here is where the Switch node might be useful

Switch node example

Switch node example

After a inline query is received, use a Function node to prepare the payload to send to a Inline Query Results node and then to a Telegram Sender node.

The Function node

msg.payload = [
    type: 'article',
    id: 'AAA-123',
    title: 'Title #1',
    input_message_content: {
      message_text: 'You selected title #1',
    type: 'article',
    id: 'AAA-124',
    title: 'Title #2',
    input_message_content: {
      message_text: 'You selected title #2'
return msg;

Learn more here about what kind of message it’s possible to send as inline query answer.

Available parameters for msg.payload

Name Type Description
inlineQueryAnswer array of obj The query results to show to the client
caching integer How long results are cached, in seconds
personal boolean If the results should be presented privately to the user