Chat commands are a very quick way to control the flow of the chatbot, useful for testing or to provide some standard features.

Commands are preceded by / , for example /my-command. Use a Rules node to redirect the flow of the chatbot based on the command.

Commands also supports parameters, for example with a command like /mycommand 42 it’s possible to access the argument(s) in a Function node

msg.payload.arguments[0]; // -> '42'

In Telegram commands can be defined in @BotFather and the list is available in the chat keyboard.

In Slack commands are supported at platform level and trigger a http callback. To use RedBot’s commands, just use the double slash, for example //my-command

Some standard commands for chatbot * /start this command is automatically issued when the user joins the chatbot, it’s a good practice to answer with a welcome message * /privacy provides some info about the privacy * /terms provides some info about terms and conditions

Messages that starts with / are not parsed by nodes like Listen node and Rivescript node.

Slack: When the user executes a command in the Slack client a callback is triggered to the Node-RED server. Commands must be defined in the Slack API, as Request URL use the address (an https address is required, in development mode use ngrok