This node creates a message with one or more buttons in order to get a quick reaction from the users.
Available buttons:
Platform exceptions:
or URL
buttons is pressedURL
button, like the size of the web view and messenger extensions and a maximum od three buttons.The tipical use of the buttons node is with the Track option of a Sender node
and Rules node to capture the aswer
Track answer in the Sender node
In this example the Buttons node
includes two postback buttons wiht a label (it’s the label of the button) and a value (it’s what will be sent back to the chatbot if clicked). The values can be anything but it’s a good habit to use Telegram-like commands, i.e. /option1
and /option2
, the reason for this is that they don’t interfere with user-generated sentences and can be easily filtered by a Rules node.
The Sender node
uses the Track option, the answer will be captured and sent to the Rules node which can capture one of the possible answers with a rule “Message is command …”.
The “Track message” option enables a more readable layout to handle user’s answers:
Track answer in the Buttons node