It’s possible to specify the bot configuration in Node-RED settings.js by-passing the configuration panel in Node-RED ui.

  1. Create a bot configuration, for example for Telegram, and enter just the name, for example “My Bot” and leave all other fields blank
  2. Open settings.js in Node-RED home dir (usually ~./.node-red) and locate the key functionGlobalContext
  3. Add change the code as follows
functionGlobalContext: {
  // ...
  telegram: {
    'My Bot': {
      token: '1234567:my-token',
      polling: 1000,
      parseMode: 'none',

Be sure to use the same name My Bot used in the configuration panel. 4. Restart Node-RED, the system console should confirm that RedBot is using a global configuration (or dump errors if the configuration is invalid) and the configuration panel in the UI should be disabled.

It’s possible to store multiple configurations in the key telegram: {} and for all supported platforms using the right key (for example facebook: {})

The Telegram configuration:

Name Type Description
token string The access token from Telegram, is something like ‘xxxxx:yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy’. Required.
polling number Polling interval in milliseconds. Default 1000.
usernames string Comma separated list of chatIds or username that are considered authorized in the chatbot
logfile string Absolute path of the log file for the chatbot
contextProvider string Which context provide to use, must be one of: memory, plain-file, sqlite
contextParams object Params for the context provider
debug boolean Show message debug in console


functionGlobalContext: {
  // ...
  telegram: {
    'My Bot': {
      token: '1234567:my-token',
      polling: 1000,
      parseMode: 'none',
      contextProvider: 'plain-file',
      contextParams: {
        path: '/tmp/red-bot-contexts'
      logfile: '/var/log/red-bot.logs'

The Facebook configuration:

Name Type Description
token string The access token, from the Facebok app page. Required.
appSecret string The app secret, from the Facebok app page. Required.
verifyToken string The verify token to verify the web hook.
usernames string Comma separated list of chatIds or username that are considered authorized in the chatbot
logfile string Absolute path of the log file for the chatbot
contextProvider string Which context provide to use, must be one of: memory, plain-file, sqlite
contextParams object Params for the context provider
debug boolean Show message debug in console
