Show quick alternatives (canned answers) to the users with custom persistent keyboards.

The keyboard automatically closes after the user clicks on a button, the keyboard is still available after use. To completely remove a keyboard use a Keyboard node with an empty buttons set.

The custom keyboards can also be passed through the payload by an upstream node Function node

msg.payload = {
  message: 'The message with the buttons',
  buttons: [
    {type: 'keyboardButton', label: 'label of the button 1'},
    {type: 'newline'},
    {type: 'keyboardButton', label: 'another button'}
return msg;

Available parameters for the msg.payload

Name Type Description
message string The message text above the buttons
buttons array of [button] The list of inline buttons
isPersistent boolean Keep the keyboard visible during the conversation. Default is false.
oneTimeKeyboard boolean Close the keyboard after any button is pressed. Default is false.
placeholder string Placeholder to show in the input box when the keyboard is open

The [button] object

Name Type Description
type string The type of the element, could be: newline (adds a new line of buttons) or keyboardButton
label string Label of the button